Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: Meine Fanart - Meine beiden neuesten Edits!

Ich habe zwei richtig schöne Bilder bearbeitet. Ich hoffe, Euch gefallen meine Edits! 
Das erste Bild stammt aus "Buffalo ´66" und das zweite Bild aus "Ally McBeal".
Viel Spaß mit Christina als "Layla" und als "Liza"!

Enjoy my edits with Christina as "Layla" in "Buffalo ´66"
and as "Liza" in "Ally McBeal". I hope you like!

Christina Ricci as "Layla" in "Buffalo ´66" (1998):

Christina Ricci as "Liza" in "Ally McBeal" (2002):

Quelle ist meine edits-page bei tumblr:

Christina fasziniert in allen ihren Rollen und zu jeder Zeit!
Eine Ausnahme-Schauspielerin!

Update! Christina Ricci: In der Front Row auf der Thakoon Fashion Show (Fashion Week in New York Fall/Winter 2013/2014) - Video

Christina hatte großartige Auftritte auf der letzten Fashion Week in New York,
da konnte ich wunderbare Bildergalerien zusammenstellen. Und nun gibt´s hier ein tolles Video!
Ich wünsche viel Spaß mit einem kleinen Interview von der Front Row auf der Thakoon Fashion Show!

Hier das schöne Video:

Quelle: youtube

Christina war mal wieder so charming!
Ganz tolles Interview!

Montag, 25. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: A shoot from 2001!

A so wonderful shoot with Christina in 2001!
I don´t know the name of the photographer, I didn´t found out,
but it´s so awesome! I´ve still posted the first 3 pics on photoshoot-page
and with the 4th picture as an update I post it here, too!

So enjoy 4 pictures of this shoot with Christina!

Here´s the little gallery:

Source is my photoshoot-page dedicated to Christina:

Looks like "Prozac Nation" - promotion, but I am not sure about it.
Anyway, a fascinating shoot with Christina with impressing and likeable pictures!

Christina Ricci: Auf einer Premiere von "Moulin Rouge" (2001) - Kleine Galerie!

Christina war zu einer Premiere von "Moulin Rouge" 2001 eingeladen
und sah umwerfend aus! In meiner kleinen Galerie gibt´s wunderschöne Bilder
von Christinas damaligem Auftritt - leider haben die meisten Bilder, die ich gefunden
habe, Watermarks drauf. Ich hoffe, Euch gefällt meine kleine Galerie trotzdem!

Christina appeared on a premiere of "Moulin Rouge" in 2001 and looked so stunning!
Sad that most of the pictures of this event I found have watermarks on. 
Now I hope you like this gallery although and enjoy these pictures!

Hier die kleine Galerie:

Christina sah atemberaubend aus!
Schade, dass es so schwer ist, Bilder zum Event zu finden.
Ansonsten eine sehr schöne Galerie mit Christina!

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: My fanart - 2 new Edits!

I´ve created 2 new edits tonight.
Enjoy Christina in a so wonderful picture of a shoot in 2000
and as "Katrina Van Tassel" in "Sleepy Hollow"!

Here´s my little gallery:

Source is my edits-page on tumblr:

What a stunning and so very character-strong face -
And her eyes... Wonderful forever and ever!

Christina Ricci: "The Addams Family" - Premiere (1991) - Little gallery!

Because of my entry right before, 
which brings the information of Christina meeting friends
the day before yesterday including Johnny Depp, with whom she has got a very,
very long friendship, I´ve decided to post 3 pics from "The Addams Family" -
premiere in 1991 - Christina and Johnny there still have been friends!

Enjoy my little gallery with a very young and cute, 
but so very character-strong and impressing Christina!

Now here´s my little gallery:

So cute pictures!
Then Christina with all her personality made clear,
she will be a very famous star in future -
It has happened!

Samstag, 23. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: Unterwegs mit Freunden - Christina with friends (22. Februar 2013)!

Christina had an evening together with friends yesterday.
She looked so beautiful in a natural way! Johnny Depp was with her, he has been a 
very good friend of Christina since they have met first on set of "Mermaids".
Great Christina has a so good friendship for a so long time and I hope
 some of her other friends she does know so long, too!

Enjoy the news-link and the little gallery,
the source of these pictures I used for the gallery is this article!

First the news - link
(the focus is on Johnny Depp, but huge space for Christina, too!):

The little gallery:

Source of these pictures:
(link above)

"Our" beauty Christina in a very good mood -
Christina looks so happy on these pictures and gives the proof
she doesn´t need to dress up for looking beautiful!
So wow!

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: My Fanart - newest edit!

I´ve created an edit of Christina as "Cassie" in "The Gathering"!
She looks so stunning in this film and the picture I´ve edited is gorgeous!

Here´s my edit:

Source is my edits-page on tumblr:

It´s part of the new design at WonderfulChristinaRicci on facebook:

So stunning with so much character!

Christina Ricci: Stunningly Beautiful - My newest fanart!

I´ve created 4 new pictures with Christina´s face only on it -
Enjoy her beauty and charisma on my fanart!

Viel Spaß mit meiner Fanart -
Christinas interessantes Gesicht ziert alle 4 Bilder!

Hier meine kleine Galerie:

Source: My page (Stunningly Beautiful) on tumblr:

Christinas viele Facetten machen Bilder von ihr so einzigartig.
Wir Fans bekommen so viel Verschiedenes geboten!

Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci by Frank W. Ockenfels (1995)

I´ve found a wonderful scan at tumblr, so I´ve posted all pics
I´ve found from this shoot on photoshoot-page and it has it´s place here, too!

Enjoy this shoot with Christina, shot by Frank W. Ockenfels in 1995!

The amazing source of the scan is again:

So here first the scan:

And now some more pictures from this shoot:

Source is my photoshoot-page:

Christina´s eyes are forever and ever so fascinating!
And her face has been so full of character her whole life!

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: Meine neuesten Edits!

Ich habe heute abend zwei Bilder aus "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
mit Christina als "Lucy" bearbeitet - ich hoffe, meine beiden Edits gefallen Euch!

Tonight I´ve created 2 edits of Christina in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" -
I hope you like my edits with Christina as "Lucy"! Enjoy them!

Hier meine kleine Galerie:

Source is my edits-page:

Christina´s appearances in this movie are short, but so impressing!
Christina has shown her huge talent and much character in her little parts she plays in this!

WonderfulChristinaRicci: Newest layout!

Brandnew layout for WonderfulChristinaRicci!
The picture I´ve chosen for the new header for mainblog inspired me
to change the layout like you see it now!

I hope you like the current design of my fanpage!

First here is the current header:

And now here is a screenshot of the new layout:

I´ve changed layout very often the last time and I do hope it´s no problem for you.
Enjoy WonderfulChristinaRicci with it´s current design and all the Christina Ricci - stuff!

Kind greetings from Germany;

Miriam Le (miriamle)

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: "In stürmischen Zeiten" ("The Man Who Cried", 2000) - Meine ersten 4 gifs zum Film!

Ich habe eben 4 animierte gifs mit Christina in 
"In stürmischen Zeiten" gebastelt - es sollen noch mehr davon folgen!

Here you can see my first 4 animated gifs of Christina in 
"The Man Who Cried" and I want to create more of Christina in this film!

Now here are the first ones!

Viel Spaß mit meinen ersten gifs zum Film mit Christina!

Hier Christina als "Suzie"/ "Fegele" in meiner kleinen gif-Galerie:

Quelle ist meine Seite bei gifsoup:

Christina ist so zauberhaft in diesem Film - Christina zeigt hier ihre Einzigartigkeit!
Christina has bewitched the audience in this movie -
Christina is so unique!

Freitag, 15. Februar 2013

Christina Ricci: Ein Bild - Motion Pictures Club Awards (1995)

I have found a so wonderful picture of Christina in 1995!
This picture is so very cute and so full of character and charisma-
Christina had been impressing all her life!

It´s taken from an awesome blog at tumblr -
so here´s the source of the following picture:

And now finally the picture itself:

Gorgeous! Can you believe Christina was only 15 years old?
Then she was so interesting and fascinating like she still is!

Christina Ricci: My newest edits - Enjoy my fanart!

Christina´s stunning appearance on last day at fashion week yesterday
(to see on entry right before this) made me decide to create 2 edits!

The most stunning pictures of this event with Christina I have found
I have chosen for my edits. These pictures are so impressing,
that I had to use them! I hope you like and enjoy!

Here´s my fanart:

Source is my edits-page on tumblr:

Christina is so full of charisma and her face shows so much-
a so wonderful and so very fascinating woman!