Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

WonderfulChristinaRicci: Site-news! New design on WonderfulChristinaRicci MovieQuotes!

Tonight I´ve decided to change the design on WonderfulChristinaRicci MovieQuotes
on it´s pages on tumblr and facebook. Here I publish the new header, one of my last MovieQuote-edits 
(see next entry after this tonight!) of both pages and snapshots of my fanpages with it´s newest designs.

The MovieQuote-edit I used for the current header:

A snapshot of WonderfulChristinaRicci MovieQuotes on tumblr:

A snapshot of WonderfulChristinaRicci MovieQuotes on facebook:

I do hope now you like the newest design on both fanpages with my 
MovieQuote-edits and hope you like to visit them furthermore and enjoy 
what I publish on them in the future and enjoy the older stuff, too!

Kind greetings from Germany,

Miriam Le (miriamle)

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