Mittwoch, 17. Februar 2016

WonderfulChristinaRicci: Site-News! New Page: WonderfulChristinaRicci - TumblrOverView

I´ve created a new fanpage:
WonderfulChristinaRicci - TumblrOverView. For a longer time
I wanted to create a page like this and here it is now!

The current header:

A snapshot of the first design:

On this page you can find the new links I also share
on twitter and below the description of this site you can find all
 links to my fanpages I run for you fans of Christina.

Take a look and I hope you like my newest fanpage - enjoy
 my fanwork with all the Ricci-stuff furthermore!

Kind greetings from Germany, :-)

Miriam Le (miriamle)

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