Gleich folgt eine news zum Film "Black Snake Moan" auf englisch:
Christina ist wütend über die Vermarktung des Films über die Filmposter.
Sie zeigen Christina angekettet und Samuel L. Jackson hält die Kette in den Händen.
"Black Snake Moan" ist kein Exploitation-Movie wie aus den 70ern.
Christina beginnt ihre Zusammenarbeit mit der Organisation RAINN, über die ich auch schon gepostet habe.
Christina Ricci Joined Rape Prevention Group As Reaction To Film Marketing
But when she saw herself appearing on film posters posing seductively in a navel-bearing top and revealing shorts, the actress was prompted to step up her involvement in the Tori Amos-founded organisation RAINN (The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network).
She says, "I wasn't really comfortable with the way (Black Snake Moan) was being marketed and I was trying to combat how exploitive that campaign was, given what I thought the movie was about when I was making it. So I became directly involved with RAINN (on the issue of) rape trauma syndrome, and they were like, 'Wow, you know a lot about this.' They asked me to be their national spokesperson, which was amazing. Then they invited me to go to Washington to lobby the Congressional Appropriations Committee for funding for legislation. That was crazy. I didn't know just anyone could go and meet with congress-people. I kept saying, 'You guys know I didn't go to college, right? I'm just an actress."
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Ich hoffe, das Christina und RAINN eine große Hilfe in den USA sind.
Schön, dass Christina mit so viel Herzblut dabei ist!
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