In the past I decided WonderfulChristinaRicci TwitPics to be
my last created fanpage - but now I´ve made a new fanpage with my works
on gifsoup, beginning with my first animated gif I´ve made in the past. So I don´t
say now this is my last fansite. The future will show, but now here
WonderfulChristinaRicci AnimatedGifs!
A snapshot of my newest fanpage WonderfulChristinaRicci AnimatedGifs:
Now I hope you like the newest part of WonderfulChristinaRicci -
enjoy the first entry on it, even I´ve already shared it in the past on mainblog.
So I hope you like to visit WonderfulChristinaRicci AnimatedGifs!
Kind greetings from Germany,
Miriam Le (miriamle)
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